Adult Fiction

Adult Biography/Memoir

Debut Fiction

Young Adult (ages 13+)

Adult Poetry

Young Readers (ages 7-12)

Adult Nonfiction

Picture Books


  • Titles must be originally published in 2024.
  • Books must be predominantly set in/or about the MPIBA Region, and/or the work of authors or illustrators who live in one of the states of the MPIBA region:
    • Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Wyoming
  • Books must be available through mainstream distribution or wholesale channels at standard retail terms:
    • 40% wholesale discount or better
    • Fully returnable.
    • Wholesale distributors include publisher distributors, Ingram, IPG, Bookazine, and others -- Amazon and B&N are NOT wholesale distributors.


  • Nominations open: October 16, 2024 – January 12, 2025
  • Nomination fee is $150 per title; due upon receipt of invoice.
  • Nominator must send, at their own expense, reading copies of the nominated title to the appropriate award reading committee members (up to 15 copies depending on the category).
    • After titles are nominated, you’ll receive a list of booksellers and mailing addresses for shipping the books.
    • Books must be shipped to arrive no later than January 31.


  • Titles are nominated by publishers and authors, beginning 10/16/24.
    • Books are also recommended for nomination by indie booksellers. We will follow-up with publishers/authors to see if they'd like to pay the nomination fee and ship reading copies.
  • A long-list is created from all nominated titles.
  • Reading committees, made up of regional indie booksellers, read the nominated titles (long-list) to curate shortlists in each award category.
  • The shortlists are announced to the public on May 1, and voting begins with promotion to bookstores and booksellers and the reading public.
  • Award winners are determined by bookseller and public voting.
  • Winners are notified, and will provide recorded acceptance speeches.
  • Winners are announced to the public via a pre-recorded awards event shown on YouTube and ReadingTheWest.com.