Spread the Word: Managing Your Email Marketing


Best Practices for Creating, Maintaining, and Making the Most of a Customer Email List


  • Just START — even if you don’t have a detailed plan!
  • Use an email management program
    • Constant Contact (has a relationship with IndieCommerce)
    • MailChimp
    • Others that people like?
  • Collect email addresses
    • Always opt-in only
    • At the cash counter — use paper sign-up forms or digital entry
    • Via Social Media
      • FaceBook page “sign-up” button
    • Your website
      • Link & page pop-up
      • Can feed directly into your email management program
    • Via event registrations
    • At events with a sign-in, sign-up sheet
    • Enter-to-Win promotions
    • Be sure to have “disclaimer” information when not using direct Opt-in, letting customers know they’ll be added to your email list, but can always unsubscribe
    • Other suggestions for growing an email list?


  • Check your bounces frequently and remove anyone “suggested for removal”
  • Input written email addresses regularly, and shred sign-up forms
  • Use welcome emails
    • Let people know they’ve been subscribed, what to expect, and how to unsubscribe
    • Don’t be too specific, so you can change your email strategy as needed
  • Send email to your subscribers regularly


  • Send relevant content
  • Create segments of your subscribers so you can send different things to different people:
    • Genres; Frequent Shoppers/Best Customers/Members; other segments that might be useful?
  • Measure results
    • Look at your opens, click-throughs, shares, etc.
    • See what your customers are responding to and excited about
    • Use split testing to test different ideas
  • Consider email frequency
    • Develop a cadence
    • Regular, at least once a month
    • Generally, more frequent email is better
      • Remind them about you!
      • They signed up, so they want to hear from you.
  • Send emails to yourself and staff first — check how it looks, typos, links
  • Do NOT Spam
    • Only send to OPT-IN subscribers (never a purchased list)
  • Make it easy to subscribe (see all options above)
  • Focus on your subject line
    • Things that do well in subject lines include:
      • The recipient’s name
      • A tasteful emoji or two
      • 30-50 characters tops
      • Action verbs
      • A clear and irresistible value proposition that matches the content of your email
      • Consistency (some emails perform best with the same subject line every time, it helps readers know what to expect so they keep an eye for it in their inbox)
    • Things that don’t do so great are:
      • Spammy keywords (urgent, buy now, win, free)
      • All uppercase letters
      • Exclamation points
      • Typos
      • Overuse of emojis
      • Deceptive subject lines that don’t match the email content
    • Don’t forget the sender information: bookstore name, specific person’s name
  • Keep it simple
    • Limited text blocks, limited text
    • One or two “calls to action” per email
  • Keep it true to you
    • Match your brand, include your logo/font/colors, sound like you
    • Be as storyteller
  • Encourage sharing via email and social media
  • Optimize for mobile
  • Reward your subscribers with offers


  • Shelf Awareness for Readers
    • Customizable and can feature your upcoming events
  • ABA IndieNext List and Children’s IndieNext List
  • MPIBA Digital Promotions
    • Reading the West Book Awards Shortlist & Voting Announcement
    • Great Summer Reading Guide
    • Holiday Gift Guide Catalog 
    • Send digital promotions direct to your customers!
      • From your email address
      • Branded with your store logo
      • Buy buttons linking directly to YOUR website
  • ALL Completely FREE to you!